Sunday, February 7, 2016

Laminate or Hardwood Flooring for Dogs

Laminate or Hardwood Flooring for Dogs - Keeping floors and carpets clean is already a big job... But if you have a pet that sheds a lot of hair like I do, you have an even bigger challenge on your hands. Before we get started, if you find the information in this video to be helpful, please do me a big favor and hit the like button below or subscribe to my channel. You support allows me to continue doing what I love. And that is making videos that provide a reliable source of information for consumers to distinguish good products from bad ones. Ok, let's get started. Pet owners want to know 3 things about a vacuum cleaner. How much pet hair does it pick up? How much of that hair actually gets into the vacuum rather than getting stuck on the brush? And how much does it cost? Recently there was an independent test done on the top 100 models to decide which vacuum cleaners were best for picking up pet hair. The amount of work and comparison done in these tests was very impressive. Exactly 5 grams of pet hair was rolled onto a carpet for each of the 100 vacuum cleaners.

Each was run across the carpet the same exact number of times. The vacuum was weighed before and after to determine exactly how much pet hair was picked up. Laminate flooring dogs claws they also weighed and factored in the amount of pet hair that became stuck on the brush. Each of these steps was performed with 100 of the best vacuum cleaners on the market. And to take it 1 step further, the results were cross checked with other tests they performed for general vacuum cleaner duties such as picking up debris on carpets and hardwood floors. The goal here is to get the all-around best product for your money. We don't want to pay a lot of cash for a one trick pony. So, in addition to finding the best vacuum for pet hair, you can rest assure that these models are also great for all around use. The biggest takeaway from my research was that Pet hair is a game changer. There were vacuum cleaners under $150 dollars that outperformed many 500 dollar units. In the end, I decided to purchase a Meile twist upright vacuum cleaner.

In my opinion, this was the best vacuum for pet hair. I've actually wanted one of these for a really long time so once I saw how well it did on the test, I placed ordered one right away. The Meile that I bought retails for about $500 dollars. But if you don't want to spend this much money, laminate flooring dog resistant don't worry. There were quite a few vacuum cleaners that retail for under $150 dollars that scored excellent marks on all three tests. So I listed each of the top vacuum cleaners on my blog along with information on where to get each one at the cheapest price. So you can do your own research there and find a price range that works best for your situation. Any way you cut it, if you buy one of these vacuum cleaners, you are making a smart decision. There is no sense in trusting manufacturer claims when we have hard core proof from an independent lab. For more information on the best vacuum cleaners for pet hair.

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