Friday, February 5, 2016

Multi Family Modular Homes Floor Plans & Manufacturers

Multi Family Modular Homes Floor Plans & Manufacturers - Hello and welcome to our presentation. I am Lin Ronald Commodore of Champagne Yacht Club, representing Michael Avery of California. One of the most successful and awarded architects in our world today. You can see the depth of his work in this brief video slide presentation and it is obvious that he has a love of fine luxury homes He has also developed a niche market in garage architecture for car collectors He knows this better than anyone since he has done some very famous peoples work If you are considering getting some plans done for your new home , a new office of a garage for special collectible items us today. For a limited time your professional design by Michael is FREE in return for granting him master builder status on your upcoming project. Imagine how much that can save you PLUS you have a Licensed Master Builder that already knows exactly how much material and supplies are needed to buld your dream. We would also like to offer you a chance to get a free copy of Michaels book by responding to this video. Its easy just click the i for information button. Great to meet you and we look forward to meeting you in person sometime soon.

Why not decorate your kitchen with candy? multi family modular home plans It tastes good too. You watched us design and build this house in 150 days, but the work is far from over. We're about to jump into my favorite part of the process of bringing all this together. Join me for an exclusive look right here on eHow Home. You know, my whole thinking behind this house and particularly this kitchen was to introduce this idea of farmhouse chic. You know, where you have elements of a farm, but you also have some really cool, new, fresh ideas going on like bold color. You know, there's ways you can accessorize a kitchen that make it really more than a place where come and get a sandwich or you eat or you wash dishes. I mean, it ought to have some style, right? And you can do that by adding just a few little decorative touches in the way of accessories. Like, for instance, this really gorgeous cookware in lots of different colors. Hey, let the color pop. One of the reasons we did all white in here with that really dark brown floor and these butcher block cabinet tops was that we have a neutral background to hang color throughout the room.

Of course, I use a lot of white dishes as well. Which reminds me, you know, it doesn't have to be a dish that you use everyday. Take, for instance, over here, I've got a beautiful, old, vintage soup terrine that I found. Hey, I might use it two or three times a year, but it looks great sitting up on the open shelves. You know, using open shelves like this is a great way to create visual interest. And multi family modular homes albany ny hey, speaking of vintage, I'm jazzing things up with some old things like this scale in the corner or even this classic old mold in the shape of a lamb. Hey, it's perfect, particularly when it's juxtaposed with some really cool dishes like these with polka dots. Look at the colors in these, look at them really closely. I wanna show you what I've done over here with some apothecary jars. So all you have to do to bump up the color is, well, coordinate it with a dish you might happen to have. I'm taking the polka dots in this example and matching them with candy in these apothecary jars. Hey, jelly beans, orange slices, blue M&M's, and licorice -- they all work with this. Hey, another thing you can think about is adding some house plants in the kitchen. House plants don't have to be relegated to other rooms. A kitchen's a great place because there's a lot of water in the kitchen, it raises the humidity, they love it. And why stop there? Why not think about your kitchen towels, coordinate them with the room? Do something colorful and something that boosts the charm factor. I just love these chickens. So, are you seeing how things are beginning to come together? It's been quite a process finishing out this house. But bit by bit the puzzle is, well, coming together. Make sure you share this with a friend if you like it, and subscribe to eHow Home.

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