Friday, February 5, 2016

Pergo Whitehall Pine Laminate Flooring

Pergo Whitehall Pine Laminate Flooring - So, my friends Pu and Denis bought a new house. And they're getting the stairs redone. And these front steps here They had those done professionally and they cost 120 dollars each step. Now, for the other steps in the back. There's a lot more steps. But they were standard width. And so the bought these thread and riser kits to put on there. And those only cost 40 dollars apiece. And, I agreed to put those on for them. So, I brought my radial arm saw. And I measured the length of each step on the stairs. And here I'm cutting the new steps to the exact length. I'd numbered each one of those so I could put them exactly back in the same spot. So, these are some replacement stair... To put on existing stairs. To dress it up a little bit. These are just the cut-offs. And they look really nice except they over-hang the stairs a bit. And also to get the riser behind them. I have to move these way forward. And that means they really over-hang the existing step. And, they come way past the riser here. So, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take the actual risers not the scraps. And I'm gonna cut a bevel off of the edge here so that it's really thin towards the top.

Pergo bleached pine accolade laminate flooring So, that these risers will all move back a little bit. So that there's more support. So, I've marked on this board which slope that the front of the risers have off of the existing stairs. And which way they're gonna end up. And, I measured both of these angles. And the difference between those is 7 degrees, so that's what I set my table saw blade to. So that I can cut this as taper. And I set the fence so that I can use the full depth of this to put the wedge on these pieces. And, the boards aren't all entirely straight. I'm using a feather-board to really press it against the fence, right here. So, it will force it straight while I'm cutting. My table saw's not that powerful so I'm actually making a pre-cut about half the depth. So I don't have to cut the whole depth at once. Because I had to take the risers back to the shop anyways I did all the lengthening of those in the shop. And I also had to rip a little bit off the width of them just to put them in the right way.

So, I just put in the first step here. And then the riser fits on top of this set-up. But, the risers beveled in back and this is straight here. And here there's a little bit more support and it's getting kicked in like that. If you look on here. The beveled edge only gives it support that much, so it can still get kicked in. So, I'm gonna take this piece which is a scrap wedge. And I caulk when I put these bevels on here. And I'm gonna attach this in here about this height. So, I get more support for my riser pergo caldera pine laminate flooring. And the nail is only to fix it in place. I'm real scared because of all this construction adhesive I'm using. Nice thing about construction adhesive is that I can span much larger gaps than wood glue. It's not quite as strong as wood glue. But for this it's more than enough. It's not like it's a chair and somebody’s gonna rock in it. I can put as many nails in the top end as I want to because that next stair thread is gonna cover it. But towards the bottom I'll try to put as few nails in as possible. Let's check the fit for the next step here. Looks all right. Ok, so... let's put some glue on here. The back edge of this tread is gonna get covered by the next riser. So, I can nail as many nails in there as I want. Front edge is nice and in place already. So, I won't have to nail that. I had to make some slight adjustment to the bottom edge of some of the risers. Just because not all these stair treads ended up being flat once they were nailed down. Well, it's not entirely perfect. I didn't... I forgot to adjust a few places So, for instance here there's a bit of a gap. And then on the end the stringers weren't all exactly the same distance. And, they're not all square. And, I just cut the treads square so there's gaps that need to be filled here too. Well, that was a bit more work than I anticipated. With two trips back to the shop to cut these risers And then bring the radial arm saw to cut these things off. So, maybe those guys that are charging so much to do stairs Maybe they know what they're doing.

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